La Posada del Arte Hotel


In Baños: La Posada del Arte Hotel offers accommodations and dining services to travelers in the town of Baños, in the Sierra region of Ecuador. This cozy hotel has established an international reputation for the quality of our service and cuisine. The hotel is also a showcase for Ecuadorian painters, and the presence of these fine works sets the tone for the overall ambiance. Posada del Arte has 15 rooms, 9 of them are in La Posada “Classic,” the original hotel on the site and six are in the new addition, the Blue House, separated by a lush garden and inviting patio. All rooms are decorated with original Ecuadorian art, and have private baths with hot water. free Wi-Fi, a safety-deposit box, and free toiletries. Some of these charming rooms have views of the mountains. After a day of sightseeing, retreat to a hammock on the terrace to share stories with fellow travelers.