Dear EcoAmerica Traveler:
On behalf of the staff of EcoAmerica Tours, we wish you a most pleasant experience while traveling with us. You can be certain that we have put a lot of effort and hard work into the planning of your travel arrangements and so will be with your travel execution. It is our goal to have you enjoy a trouble-free adventure.
Since we know firsthand every one of the destinations and attractions included in your travel program, we invite you to select the pertinent country on the menu to your left, where you will find what we think is the general information and some useful recommendations that would make your trip even more secure, enjoyable, and unforgettable!
To start, we want to share with you what we all at EcoAmerica Tours consider the Art of Traveling:
Travel Lightly – You are not traveling for people to see you.
Travel Expectantly – Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.
Travel Hopefully – “To travel hopefully”, wrote Robert Louis Stevenson, “is better than to arrive.”
Travel Humbly – Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and way of life.
Travel Courteously – Consideration for your fellow travelers and your hosts will smooth the way through the most difficult days.
Travel Gratefully – Show appreciation for the many things that are being done by others for your enjoyment and comfort.
Travel with an Open Mind – Leave your prejudices at home.
Travel with Curiosity – It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience. Thoreau wrote a big book about tiny Walden Pond.
Travel with Imagination – As the old Spanish proverb puts it, “He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.”
Travel Fearlessly – Banish worry and timidity; the world and its people belong to you just as you belong to the world.
Travel Relaxed – Make up your mind to have a good time. Let go and let God.
Travel Patiently – It takes time to understand others, especially when there are barriers of language and custom; keep flexible and adaptable to all situations.
Travel with the Spirit of a World Citizen – You’ll discover that people are basically much the same the world over. Be an ambassador of good will to all people.
Thank you for choosing us for your travel arrangements and have a wonderful vacation!
The EcoAmerica Tours Team
Additional Reading Recommendations: